Lesvos Birding Tour 2023: Day 5th Trip Report
Our last day of 2023 birdwatching tour in the island of Lesvos. Read here trip reports from Day 1, Day 2, Day 4

Scops Owl roosting in foliage
Lesvos is one of the best places in the world to enjoy
great views of this species, even during day time
Day 5. A few more remaining lifers
We had an early wake up again, since there were reports of Baillon’s Crake at Metochi Lake. Despite the fact that we stayed there for almost 2 hours, the bird did not show up. We only saw a female Little Crake, a couple of Little Bittern and the expected Middle Spotted Woodpecker, Black-headed Bunting, Masked Shrike.
Little Bittern hidden at Metochi Lake
Little Crake at Lake Metochi, a common spring migrant
A typical birdwatching morning at Lake Metochi
Our next stop was Filia forest, an old Oak forest north of Kallonis. Eastern
Bonelli’s Warblers were singing and displaying, and we thought it was one of
the easiest lifers to achieve to far. Everyone enjoyed very good views of the
birds, while shooting hundreds of photos.
Eastern Bonelli's Warbler singing at Filia oak forest
A nice portrait of Portrait of Eastern Bonelli's Warbler
We decided to explore the Lardia Gorge, so we made a few stops before and after the picturesque town of Vatousa. Raven, Peregrine Falcon, Long-legged Buzzard and Blue Rock Thrush were among the highlights of the area, while small groups of Crag Martins were flying above us.

Bird photographers ready for the next challenge,
after succesfully found the Eastern Bonelli's Warbler
Our final
destination for the day was Sigri and Faneromeni area. We saw the scattered
flocks of Turtle Doves and a beautiful Eleonorae’s Falcon. However, the big
highlight of the area was waiting in the fig orchards: a singing Rufous Bush
Chat (aka Rufous Scrub Robin) made its best performance with its melodic song.
It was not very close for great pictures, but everybody had clear views of the
bird that just arrived from Africa.
satisfied from the day, we drove back from Eressos, finding a couple of more
new birds, like Woodlarks, Linnets and Cirl Buntings, Sombre Tit